Bittersweet justice for scammers | Scam of the Week

Estimated read time 3 min read

CHICO — So last week I wrote up a press release from the Butte County District Attorney’s Office with news that an identity thief, along with his partner, got some hefty jail time — but by then they had already stolen information from 4,400 ATM cards.

I love seeing justice served to those who have gone out of their way to steal from other people, especially in this case where they at times targeted folks on social security and government assistance, but that number is jarring.

In this case, they placed a card skimmer, one of those tiny gadgets I’ve written about before at length, in the ATM at Walmart and stayed on top of it for years. At minimum, the duo had stashed $13,000 in cash alone. Another interesting and important takeaway was that they had also purchased ATM gift cards which they then converted into mimics of stolen debit cards. For the readers, the gift card part probably sounds all too familiar.

The incident also shines a light on how slow the process can be, and not even at the fault of any group or party. The investigation started back in the summer of 2022 and the sentencing occurred just last week. All the more reason to practice extreme caution in all circumstances. Not for nothing, though I can’t say if it’s even directly related, but I went to Walmart the other day and the machine was still out of order.

On a positive note, or as positive of a note as this messed up situation can be at this point, skimmers are getting a huge spotlight right now both by the public and private sector and it’s being recognized as a serious problem, especially considering how long it can fly under the radar.

Stay safe out there folks and be vigilant of anything odd when using card readers or ATMs. If you see even the slightest thing that might be off, don’t be afraid to go into the business and let someone know so they can have a look.

Enjoy the winter. Only six more months of January to go.

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Scam of the Week generally runs every Tuesday. Readers are welcome to contact reporter Jake Hutchison to report scams and potential scams they have come in contact with by calling 828-1329 or via email at [email protected].

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