Hewitt Park project coming back to Oroville City Council

Estimated read time 2 min read

OROVILLE — The improvement of Hewitt Park returns to the Oroville City Council at its meeting Tuesday afternoon for further direction on the financing.

Councilors will hear an update from staff on costs and funding sources for the project, then consider two options: continuing with the design presented Jan. 2 or remove features to reduce the expense. Should the council continue with the current design, park development impact fees will need to cover amounts exceeding grant funds.

Other action items on the agenda include assigning councilors to boards; accepting a grant from Cal Water for the Oroville Fire Department to acquire 10 handheld thermal imaging devices; agreeing to a two-year contract with a software platform to assist developers and homeowners applying for building permits; and approving several budget adjustments in conjunction with the mid-year fiscal review.

The council also will hold a public hearing for the final authorization of an ordinance setting a policy on how the Oroville Police Department and Northwest Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals handle dangerous/vicious pets — and an initial public hearing on an ordinance governing mobile food vendors. The consent agenda, items considered routine and typically adopted together, includes zoning changes related to outdoor dining and upgrading the payment kiosk at the Oroville Municipal Airport’s refueling station.

Modifying the appointments list from last year, councilors will decide on placing Eric Smith on the Butte County Mosquito and Vector Control District board for two years as well as Shawn Webber and Tracy Johnstone on the Citizens Oversight Board. Webber would be the regular member, Johnstone the alternate.

Budget modifications requested by staff are $180,000 to cover increases in insurance, $80,248 for health insurance and $592,768 for the fire budget. Revenue projections remain unchanged.

The Oroville City Council meets the first and third Tuesday of the month at 4 p.m. at the Oroville City Council Chambers at 1735 Montgomery St. Meetings are free, open to the public and are also streamed on Zoom and YouTube. The council agenda and links to live feeds can be found at cityoforoville.org.

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