Letters: AT&T’s obligation | Nguyen for supervisor | Demonstrated commitment | Sounds like MAGA | Cause for concern

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AT&T obligated
to keep landlines

AT&T sent letters to their customers advising that they were asking the CPUC to let them get rid of customer landlines. They gave convoluted ways people could still communicate.

From talking to a few AT&T employees, it seems like it’s a done deal no matter what the public says. This request by AT&T is a nightmare for the elderly, the sick and for anyone who relies on a landline during a prolonged outage.

It’s a disgrace that AT&T is requesting this. It will be money for them, and probably a loss of jobs for many of their employees.

I hope this isn’t a done deal and that public comment isn’t just a function before letting AT&T have their way.
AT&T has an obligation to let us keep our landlines. The CPUC has an obligation to see that we get to keep them.

Linda Lillehaugen
Santa Cruz

Madison Nguyen for
District 2 Supervisor

Madison Nguyen has both the knowledge and experience to serve her constituents well — as she did on the San José City Council and as vice mayor.

She has a history of collaboration — a quality too often lacking in our elected representatives. There’s no love lost between the city of San José and county of Santa Clara. Lawsuits have often been the result, costing us taxpayers our hard-earned tax dollars and the time and attention of our representatives. Madison never espoused an “us versus them” attitude about the county. Nor was she raised in the county bureaucracy.

Madison will be laser-focused on accountability, which should be a given from every elected representative. Alas, that’s not always the case, but is vitally important as we witness tax dollars being squandered on poorly performing contractors with little or no oversight. Madison has earned my vote.

Davide Vieira
San Jose

Simitian’s demonstrated
commitment earns vote

I am a resident of Saratoga and a former city planning commissioner. Joe Simitian is the ideal candidate for Congress due to his proven track record of effective leadership and dedication to serving his constituents. As a former California state senator and Santa Clara County supervisor, he has demonstrated his commitment to advocating for the needs of his community.

Simitian has a strong record of advancing policies on education, environmental protection and health care accessibility. I have personally seen what Simitian did for seniors in Saratoga. He championed the launch of the RYDE program which provides rides to those aged 65 and older in the West Valley and South County. My mother was grateful to use the RYDE and SASCC programs that helped her to assimilate as an immigrant.

Electing Joe Simitian to Congress ensures that our voices will be heard and our concerns will be addressed at the national level.

Pragati Grover

Pelosi’s call for probe
sounds like MAGA

Re: “Pelosi wants FBI to investigate pro-Palestinian protesters” (Page A3, Jan. 29).

Without evidence, Rep. Nacy Pelosi called on the FBI to investigate people protesting for a cease-fire in Gaza because they may have ties to Russia. This kind of rhetoric is expected from the MAGA camp, but not from the Democrats. Her statement is in direct conflict with the First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law … abridging … the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Her spokesperson pointed to a social media post: “putin benefits from continued war in gaza and expanded chaos in the middle east.” This post contradicts a connection between cease-fire protesters and Putin.

One can condemn Hamas for brutally attacking Israel and also condemn Israel for brutally killing, terrorizing, and starving the people in Gaza. I agree with Nihad Awad: Political leaders should heed the will of the people and call for an end to the war.

Karen Mandel
San Jose

Pelosi’s position is
cause for concern

Re: “Pelosi wants FBI to investigate pro-Palestinian protesters” (Page A3, Jan. 29).

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So let me get this straight: Pelosi believes that protesters demanding a cease-fire is Putin’s message? And they are the Putin “seeds or plants” that should be investigated by the FBI? And she’s listening to a professor claiming “Putin benefits from expanded war in Gaza and chaos in the Middle East?”

How does her conflicting assessment and political position make sense for a nation of people sick of war and genocide, and longing for an end to a war that is now U.S.-supported genocide? Why criminalize peaceful cease-fire protesters? Simply because they don’t agree with sitting by and letting Israel unlawfully destroy and seize the home of the Palestinian people?

None of this makes sense. And it is of deep concern for those of us she represents who long for peace in Gaza and an end to genocide.

Delorme McKee-Stovall
San Jose

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