Letters: Electrify fleet | Come clean | Vote for Ahrens | Model Mentor

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Amplify climate gains
by electrifying vehicles

Re: “Atmospheric river storm pounds area” (Page A1, Feb. 1).

How about that weather, right?

We all know that extreme weather is driven by climate change, and we all know that San Jose is leading the charge against climate change with the activation of the massive Edwards & Sanborn Solar and Energy Storage project. However, we could be using the Inflation Reduction Act to do a lot more.

Specifically, we could be using the IRA to electrify municipal fleets, which would double down on the benefits of the new solar. This would eventually help us manage the crazy weather by lowering the carbon in the atmosphere, but it would immediately make our streets safer by removing some of the largest sources of carcinogenic emissions, city buses.

I have a lot of faith in Mayor Mahan, Supervisor Chavez and the rest of our local government. I hope they can put together a request for IRA funds for municipal fleet electrification.

Evan Merz
San Jose

VTA must come clean
on rising BART estimate

Re: “Estimate for BART work may shoot up” (Page A1, Feb. 1).

VTA needs to show the costs of the project, mainline item by mainline item, to the public. The costs from Day 1 to the present need to be shown. We want to see what is driving these increases, with the increases defined.

George Badger

Voters should send
Ahrens to Assembly

As mayors of neighboring Silicon Valley cities, we understand the importance of collaboration and commitment when it comes to creating equitable policies that work for everyone. That is why we proudly endorse Patrick Ahrens for state Assembly.

As Board president of Foothill-De Anza Community College District, Patrick has a track record of championing educational initiatives, fostering economic growth, and addressing the diverse needs of our communities. He knows firsthand the critical issues impacting our region.

Patrick played a pivotal role in securing $200 million to fund affordable housing for teachers, students and staff. Working with county officials, he led the effort to establish a first-of-its-kind health clinic at De Anza College. And he has consistently fought to reduce fees and other indirect costs faced by students on their education journeys.

Join us in supporting Patrick Ahrens to be the next assemblymember for District 26.

Lisa Gillmor, Larry Klein and Sheila Mohan
Santa Clara, Sunnyvale and Cupertino

Sreekrishnan a model
as youth mentor

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I’m writing to commend Tara Sreekrishnan for her remarkable leadership and mentorship in our community.

Tara’s guidance and encouragement have been instrumental in motivating young people like myself to take on leadership roles and make a difference. Her dedication to mentoring youth, combined with her strong leadership qualities, inspires us to strive for excellence and positively impact our community. Tara’s influence extends beyond her environmental initiatives; she empowers us to realize our potential and pursue our passions.

I believe Tara’s commitment to nurturing youth leadership deserves recognition for the invaluable impact she continues to make in shaping the future generation of leaders.

Peri Plantenberg

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