Letters: Vote for accountability | Sandoval for council | Elect Mulcahy | Women’s rights | Panetta’s cynicism | Trump assault

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Nguyen would bring
accountability to county

Madison Nguyen is exactly the District 2 supervisor Santa Clara County needs at exactly the right time.

Nguyen has a long history of being accountable to the promises she has made, as the councilmember for District 7 and as vice mayor of the city of San Jose. She supports the policies of Mayor Matt Mahan as he addresses the need for an “all-in” solution to homelessness in San Jose; indeed, her own policies intersect with the mayor’s. Nguyen knows the city and the county must work together, each bringing real solutions for all our unhoused residents with long-term compassionate and fiscally positive results. She is committed to finding opportunities for serious collaboration with her colleagues.

Because I have known Madison so well and for so long, when she says she will be accountable, I believe her.

Elizabeth Monley
San Jose

Sandoval will continue
city’s homeless work

I have received three glossy hit pieces against District 2 candidate Vanessa Sandoval mailed and paid for by the California Real Estate Independent Expenditure Committee.  The mailers criticize Sandoval, District 2 Councilmember Sergio Jimenez’s chief of staff, for accompanying him to San Jose’s sister city in Japan. Vanessa is a lawyer, a UC Berkeley graduate, and she represents the constituents and conducts city business with integrity and professionalism.

District 2 has done more in housing the homeless than most any otherdistrict. The California Association of Realtors are the very last group to be criticizing Vanessa for doing the city of San Jose’s business. Join me in voting for her.

Marie Arnold
San Jose

Elect ‘doer’ Mulcahy
to S.J. City Council

Citizens of San Jose are fortunate to have Michael Mulcahy seeking to serve as the next District 6 council member.

He is clear-headed, balanced and smart. He’s a neighborhood leader, small business owner and active volunteer. Michael knows our community well as an active member of a deeply-rooted, multigenerational San Jose-based family. He and his wife Kimberly have raised their three daughters in San Jose, too.

I’ve known Michael for over 40 years. He is a big thinker, an active doer and a detail wiz all while being most thoughtful and kind. Our city deserves, needs and must have smart, talented, creative and collaborative leaders to tackle the tough challenges we face. Michael is that leader.

I ask and encourage citizens in San Jose’s District 6 — please vote and cast your ballot for Michael Mulcahy for City Council.

William Baron
San Jose

Support women’s
rights at ballot box

Re: “Harris urges voter action on issue of abortion rights” (Page A1, Jan. 30).

In a 1986 speech, President Ronald Reagan said, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help’”. Reagan’s statement reflected the conservative ideology at the time, which emphasized limited government intervention in the economy and individual lives.

In 2022, our ultra-conservative Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, a 50-year precedent-setting law protecting reproductive health care for women.

On Monday, I attended Vice President Kamala Harris’ Fight for Reproductive Freedom. Now I am convinced the most terrifying words are, “I’m from the government and I’m here to dictate to women what health care you are allowed to receive and to take control of your body.”

The 2024 elections will be a fight for women’s rights, and to protect our very life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Elections matter. Use your vote to support women’s rights, voting rights and candidates who support our democracy.

Linda Swan
Los Altos Hills

Panetta shows cynicism
with South Africa letter

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled on the plausibility of genocide in Gaza and asked for steps to ensure that doesn’t take place.

It is sad to see that just before the ruling, Rep. Jimmy Panetta signed a cynical letter denouncing South Africa for taking the case to ICJ. In light of the ruling, that letter is an embarrassment. I hope the congressman can distance himself from it.

San Jose prides itself on an international and empathetic culture. I hope our congressman can adapt to it.

Aamir Qureshi
San Jose

Don’t allow Trump
assault on country

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Almost every person in the United States is a first-, second-, third-generation or longer resident, their ancestors coming to America from all over the world. The Statue of Liberty promises to accept and shelter the “tired, poor and hungry.”

Donald Trump’s paternal ancestors were from Germany. It stuns me that otherwise intelligent and educated people support this bigoted, misogynistic, sexually predatory, anarchist (hello, Jan. 6) bully.

Please, Democrats, vote and do not let this disaster come again to our beloved country.

Chris Khoury

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