Letters: AT&T scheme | Blocking progress | Rejecting Haley | Clinging to Trump | Zionist support | Confounding support

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Tell CPUC to reject
AT&T landline scheme

AT&T won’t admit the number of landline customers in California they will abandon. AT&T received billions of dollars in government funding and has a responsibility to continue servicing landlines even if it’s not profitable for shareholders.

Don’t trust AT&T to provide alternative communication lines for personal emergencies, technical problems or major disasters that cause widespread cell tower outages. With a landline, when you dial 911 your call goes straight to a 911 dispatcher with your caller ID and address so emergency services can get to you within minutes.

Get educated: “Just say no” to AT&T. If you or your family rely on their landline, post your comments to the CPUC.

Joanne Escobar
San Jose

GOP Congress blocks
progress for nation

In more than a year of Republican domination of the House, what significant piece of legislation has been sponsored and passed by a Republican-led Congress? Answer: zero, none, nada, nyet.

Instead, many Republican legislators waste time and resources to bring unwarranted and frivolous impeachment charges against President Joe Biden and continue their obstructionist and stubborn ways by holding the government in a gridlock, delaying aid to Ukraine, and making sure that anything that Biden proposes is defeated.

A bipartisan deal that was reached could address the border crisis. But there are many Republicans who are intent on standing in the way of solutions because they put political goals and personal power ahead of the best interests of the country while pledging allegiance to a failed leader and master puppeteer, Donald Trump.

Diego Certa

Ballot results show
voters reject Haley

Re: “We have a country to save with hard truths and tough choices” (Page A7, March 1).

I write in response to Nikki Haley’s column. It’s said that the only poll that really matters is the ballot box, and the ballots cast so far in this primary season tell us President Biden’s reelection campaign is off to a very strong start. He’s won all of them by high double-digit margins.

In South Carolina, Haley received 40% of the vote in the Republican primary while President Biden won her home state’s Democratic primary with 96% of the vote. In the Nevada Republican primary, “none of these candidates” beat Haley by over 30 percentage points.

The Afghanistan withdrawal was negotiated by Donald Trump and Mike Pompeo with the Taliban — Biden had to clean up their mess. When it comes to our safety, I trust the president who united our NATO allies against Vladimir Putin, isolating and undercutting his strength. President Biden also understands the vital importance of NATO for maintaining stability in the post-World War II world.

Melissa Houle

Republicans shouldn’t
cling to Trump’s ship

To my Republican friends, what cause do you have to cling to Donald Trump after everything that has come to light in the last three years? Consider his convictions and the judgments against him; that those who did his bidding have gone to jail; his open admiration/exultation of a murderous dictator, Vladimir Putin; and his vow to be a dictator when he enters office. Are these the traits of the president of our country, the leader of the free world? Snap out of it.

There is more at stake than tax breaks and border control. Democracy is on the line. Without it, we will be unable to influence countries at the southern border to improve economic conditions to stem the tide of migrants.

Under Trump we withdrew from the Paris Accord, setting us back decades. We withdrew from the Iran nuclear accord, another failure in statesmanship and potential peace.

Reconsider: Do you want Germany 1937 or democracy 2024?

Angela Boles King
Los Gatos

Zionist support for
Gaza slaughter confounds

Re: “Biden approves military airdrops of aid into Gaza” (Page A5, March 2).

To say that I’m utterly shocked that many of my Zionist friends kindly support the genocide of 12,300 children and upwards of 8,400 women, according to Gaza health officials, is an understatement.

I never imagined in my lifetime I would hear such educated and enlightened people fall into the depths of existential blindness. No, killing children won’t change the future, it will only strike more global condemnation. To hear calls for the systematic segregation and firing of anyone who deems genocide appalling is shocking.

Thank you President Biden for airdropping food to signal America’s resolve as a nation founded on the principles of liberty for all.

Akeem Mostamandy
San Jose

Continued support for
Trump is confounding

I want to understand why anyone would vote for Donald Trump.

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I want to know why you would choose a man who has demonstrated racism and misogyny, and a man who has publicly mimicked the handicapped, including our president who stands tall, but walks stiffly due to arthritic problems.

Why vote for a man who wants to rule with personal revenge and retribution, who has proclaimed he would like to be a dictator for a day? Has any dictator ever stepped down after one day?

And why vote for someone who cannot intelligently discuss world issues, someone who is a divider rather than a peace broker? Someone who promotes himself over his country?

I sincerely want to understand why anyone would vote for Donald Trump.

Pauline Chand
San Jose

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