Letters: Expanding access | Subjugating women | Stop Trump | Prisoner swap | Embrace differences

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Monument expansion
opens up access

Re: “Biden set to expand 2 national monuments” (Page B1, April 13).

I am thrilled to hear that President Biden has expanded Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument to protect Molok Luyuk. Molok Luyuk is a ridge east of the existing monument where people love to explore the outdoors, view wildflowers and sweeping landscapes, and learn about an incredible biodiversity of plants and animals.

This action helps ensure access to the outdoors for locals. Access to nature is vital for communities of color. In Lake County, 24.7% of the population identifies as Latino/Hispanic, and in Colusa County, 61.7% of the population is Latino/Hispanic. Molok Luyuk is also central to Patwin origin stories and is significant to Pomo, Wappo and Miwok people.

I am grateful for the support of U.S. Sen. Alex Padilla and Rep. John Garamendi. Thank you to President Biden for hearing our collective call and expanding Berryessa Snow Mountain National Monument to ensure a more accessible outdoors for all.

Jazzari Taylor

Abortion bans meant
to subjugate women

Re: “Politicians, clergy should not limit abortion access” (Page A6, May 10).

I agree with Ramona Krausnick.

The desired goal of banning abortion is to prevent killing a fetus. Men must take some responsibility. Women couldn’t get pregnant without men. So, to prevent the abortion, we could simply prevent conception.

If men are allowed to prevent abortion, then we should force pre-pubescent men to have a reversible vasectomy. Then, in cases of rape or incest, the woman couldn’t get pregnant, so there would be no need for abortion. Problem solved.

Yes, I realize this is an absurd argument, and will never happen, but that’s why I brought it up. It’s all perspective. The decision to abort is between a woman, her doctor and her God.

Let’s be honest, the real deep-seated goal of banning abortion is to subjugate women.

Jim Cauble

Trump reelection would
hurt indigenous people

If former President Donald Trump wins reelection on Nov. 5, the ways of life of indigenous people in this country will be in jeopardy.

For example, at the start of his presidency in January 2017, Trump allowed the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline on the Missouri River which is next to the homeland of Standing Rock Lakota Indians in North Dakota. In that same year, he signed a tax cut law that includes oil drilling at the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. The refuge is the homeland of the Gwich’in people who preserve their way of life by taking care of both the animals and water.

For the sake of preserving the ways of life of indigenous people, Trump must not win reelection.

Billy Trice

Prisoner release
poses threat to Israel

Re: “End Gaza war and find a lasting peace” (Page A6, May 7).

As part of an effort to secure a lasting peace in Gaza, letter-writer Amer Araim recommends releasing all hostages and prisoners.

Hamas has proposed releasing up to 33 hostages, leaving some 100 more held captive, in exchange for hundreds of Palestinian prisoners. In 2011, Israel released 1,027 Palestinian prisoners in return for one Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit. Among the released prisoners was Yahya Sinwar, regarded as the mastermind of the Oct. 7 atrocity, the worst one for Jews since the Holocaust.

So, as the question goes, how’d that work out for Israel?

Karen Lee Cohen
Walnut Creek

When will the world
embrace its differences?

As a Jew, I notice the suffering that others of my same faith are going through. There is a major war in Israel because the terrorist organization, Hamas, has kidnapped Israeli citizens. Hamas is blackmailing Israel by using their lives as bargaining chips and to provoke Israel further.

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As a teenager and someone who uses social media platforms, I see the world turning a blind eye, or worse, turning against Israel. I am ashamed because even after the Holocaust, the Spanish Inquisition and other major events targeting Jews, people have still not learned their lesson. People have not learned to stop hating other religions because of the differences between each religion.

I hope that this war ends well, and after people will finally learn to change and accept and embrace the differences between each other.

Reuven Deutscher

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