Letters: Price recall | Trump coverage | Trans athletes

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Crime is more complex
than removing a DA

Re: “DA Price has failed Alameda County residents” (Page A6, May 23).

Letter writers like David Ott of Pleasanton are afraid of the supervisors putting off District Attorney Price’s recall until the November election, which would save voters million of dollars, because “crime” will continue to go down in Alameda County and the “sensible voters “ he refers to will see that causes of crime, like fluctuations in the economy, are more complicated than removing a district attorney, a mayor or a police chief.

Bob Langfelder

Media is giving Trump
too much coverage

Donald Trump on an entire page is not fair journalism.

When I turned to Page A3 of the East Bay Times on May 22, I was flabbergasted at seeing four news items related to former President Trump. These articles were all about his missing documents case, hush money trial and the 2024 election twice.

As an avid newspaper reader and a subscriber to the East Bay Times, I fail to understand why an entire page was reserved for Trump and his ongoing cases when the United States, California and, of course, the world are having too many crises to fit in your publication.

I personally feel that we all are aware of the wrongdoing of the former president, so enough is enough. Printing more important news articles on happenings around us will make a difference toward fair journalism.

Zafar Yousufzai

Men shouldn’t play
with female athletes

Re: “Policy on trans athletes is an easy call” (Page A7, May 16).

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Finally, Los Angeles Times columnist LZ Granderson and I agree on something. It is an easy call.

He hopes that the NCAA’s decision-makers are guided by science. So do I. And the science unequivocally demonstrates that biological males have a significant physical advantage when it comes to sports.

Where I disagree with Granderson is when he claims there have been no real-world consequences to trans participation. There have been reports of severe injuries in basketball, volleyball and lacrosse caused by trans athletes. I would call those real-world consequences.

Bill McGregor

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