Letters: Shut down recycler | Trans athletes | No rodeos

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City should double
down on homelessness

Homelessness in our city demands urgent attention.

To combat this problem, we urge increased availability of affordable housing. Building more homes within financial reach and offering rental assistance programs are essential steps. Support services should also be expanded to aid homeless individuals in securing stable living arrangements.

Equally crucial are preventative measures. Programs that prevent homelessness by assisting with housing retention and providing job training are indispensable.

By focusing on these solutions, we can help create a San Jose that embraces compassion and inclusivity for all its residents. Let’s unite in our efforts to address homelessness and create a brighter future for our community.

Roxana Rodriguez
San Jose

Rubio is disingenuous
on election results

Sen. Marco Rubio said in an interview on “Meet the Press” that he wouldn’t accept the election results if they’re unfair.

Regarding the last presidential election, multiple state attorneys general (Democratic and Republican), multiple judges appointed by Democrats and Republicans, and all election officials for the contested swing states have gone on record declaring that the election was fair. There was zero evidence of massive fraud or a coordinated effort to rig the elections except for those working to boost the Trump results.

Senator, define “unfair.” Or do you just mean, “I disagree with the outcome”?

David Wilkins
San Jose

Homeowners have role
in climate change fight

Re: “The humble radiator is getting a climate-friendly upgrade” (May 21).

I read with interest the article about a new product designed to improve radiators for heating in New York.

Concern over climate change is growing rapidly, as is the public’s interest in addressing it. There are many opportunities for new technologies that will help while at the same time providing benefits to the consumer. Entrepreneurs in the Bay Area are addressing many of these opportunities, but there’s room for more.

Even homeowners such as myself can play a role by installing climate-friendly technologies like heat pump water heaters, giving the industry the experience they need to make them the default way of heating water.

Robert Mayo
Mountain View

Time city shuts down
fire-prone recycler

Re: “Fire breaks out at Redwood City metal recycling facility” (May 22).

Redwood City should shut down Sims Metal Management, a recycling yard that seems to catch fire like clockwork. I used to work at the Pacific Shores office park from 2010 to 2016, and we became accustomed to the yard producing random explosion noises and visible fire sprinklers.

In April 2007, the yard caught fire.

In November 2013, the yard caught fire again.

A month later, it caught fire again.

It caught fire again in March 2022.

Recently, in Sunnyvale, I noticed a sulfurous smell in the air in the afternoon, checked the news and saw that it was 699 Seaport Blvd. again.

Sims ownership or management seems incapable of operating the recycling yard responsibly.

Tod Weitzel

Create a category
for trans athletes

The inclusion of transgender athletes in competitive sports has been a very controversial topic in the last few years. Proponents argue that transgender athletes should have the right to compete in accordance with their gender identity, emphasizing inclusivity, equal rights and the psychological benefits of participation in sports.

However, opponents raise concerns about potential advantages in strength, endurance and muscle mass that transgender women may retain even after hormone therapy. These physiological differences could undermine fair competition and the integrity of women’s sports, as seen in the case of Lia Thomas, who ranked very low among biological men competitors but instantly ranked first among biological women after becoming a transgender athlete.

Sports organizations should provide more policies to protect fairness in competition for biological women, such as creating a dedicated competition for transgender athletes only.

Phat Ngo
San Jose

For animals’ sake,
boycott rodeos

Re: “20 Northern California county fairs you can still catch in 2024” (May 24).

It’s county fair time. For those that include rodeo, a new season of misery is starting for animals.

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Terrified animals are chased into a noisy arena and roped or grappled by a lunging human, often injuring them. Bulls and horses are fitted with a “flank strap” that irritates their tender midsection, causing intense pain that makes these normally gentle animals buck wildly. The use of electrical prods, “hotshots,” is widespread.

Roping calves incur hemorrhages, torn muscles, torn ligaments, and damage to the trachea, throat and thyroid. Many end up in the slaughterhouse.

If we treated our pets this way we would go to jail. So why do we allow this for other animals? What makes these creatures so much “less” in our eyes?

New programs such as LEAP (Leaders for Ethics, Animals and the Planet) teach kids responsible stewardship of animals.

We must do better for the animals. Boycott rodeo.

Karen Rubio
Los Gatos

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