Hamilton High School graduation was full of love

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HAMILTON CITY — Hamilton High School principal Cris Oseguera advised the 78 graduates at the high school’s graduation ceremony Friday to “run your own race at your own pace.”

Oseguera also told the students they are all special and to not compare themselves to others. He then quoted Corinthians 13:13, verse 1 which says “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” Oseguera reiterated that love is the most important thing in life.

In his speech, Salutatorian Bryant William Odom reminisced about the graduates’ first year of high school, which was in 2020, the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We couldn’t see each other and couldn’t interact,” Odom said. “But we bonded because we were all going through the same experience and we created lasting relationships.”

Odom said he found friends who will be his friends for the rest of his life.

“They’ll be at my wedding and at my funeral,” Odom said.

Hamilton High School Salutatorian Bryant William Odom talks to the crowd Friday, June 7, 2024 during the high school’s graduation ceremony in Hamilton City, California. (Jennie Blevins/Enterprise-Record)

Principal Cris Oseguera proudly talks about the class of 2024 at the Hamilton High graduation ceremony Friday, June 7, 2024 in Hamilton City, California. (Jennie Blevins/Enterprise-Record)



Before the ceremony, parent Lidia Leyva said she had a surprise in store for her daughter, graduate Maribel Leya. Her son Victor Leyva, a corporal in the U.S. Army, was home and planning to surprise his sister during a family party.

Lidia Leyva said her daughter plans to attend Butte Community College and then transfer to Chico State and eventually get a masters in social work. She said Leyva was the top scorer in a senior project that all seniors had to complete before graduating.

Parent Elia Mendez sang the praises of her daughter, Elia Mendez-Ruiz’, stating that she will attend UC Berkeley in the fall and plans to major in political science and eventually become an immigration lawyer. The family planned to go to dinner to celebrate after the ceremony.

In his speech, Valedictorian Jesus Cisneros-Arreola thanked his “beautiful” mother. Cisneros-Arreola plans to attend UC Berkeley in the fall to study mechanical engineering. Like in some of the other speeches, Cisneros-Arreola addressed the crowd in both English and Spanish.

“Push forward Braves,” Cisneros-Arreola told the other graduates. “You all have great potential.”



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