Letters: Alito’s bias | Trump’s qualities

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Alito’s bias is as
obvious as his flags

Re: “I fly my flags to help inspire and unite — not to divide” (Page A9, June 9).

Joe Mathews, you can and should fly every kind of flag you want; you are not a Supreme Court justice who is forming a judgment opinion regarding Donald Trump’s actions during an attempt to overturn an election.

Samuel Alito is supposed to be 100% neutral, and with these flags flying at his homes it indicates his bias. Being an unbiased journalist is a good thing, but I look at your writing as opinion. Alito is a justice of the highest court in our country, not an opinion journalist.

He should recuse himself from anything involving Trump and Jan. 6.

Loretta Warner
Walnut Creek

Donald Trump lacks
qualities of president

I have never heard Republican politicians or anybody say Donald Trump is a model citizen, a devoted public servant, a great American patriot, or loves and cares about America, democracy and Americans.

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I have never heard anyone say he lifts us up rather than tramples us down; sees the good in us not the bad; is a law-abiding, decent man of character, integrity, honesty, honor, respect and ethics; uses evidence and facts not imagined conspiracies and lies; or is someone with kindness, not nastiness and insults. No one has said he is soothing and calming rather than shocking us with threats, criticism, intimidation and vengeance, or that he loves rather than hates, shows remorse not rancor, is mentally healthy, is accountable for his actions rather than blaming others, or that he works well with others.

I have never heard anyone use these descriptors for Trump. Aren’t these the qualities we’d like our president to have?

Michael Neale
Walnut Creek

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