Schools should focus on teaching English: Letter to the editor

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Re: “Want to improve our schools? Expand bilingual education” (Page A6, June 20).

I agree that speaking two languages is a benefit to the individual and to the community. We should all be bilingual.

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Unfortunately, there are not enough bilingual teachers out there to accommodate the children whose family primarily speaks Spanish, Chinese, Indian or any other language that is spoken in California. Learning English first should be the primary goal in the early years for these children. Poverty is reduced and there are more opportunities for upward mobility for people who speak, read and write English.

If a child is taught by a bilingual teacher, he and his family benefit because the student is fluent in two languages and the parents understand the curriculum. Until there are more bilingual teachers, English should be the priority in class.

Patricia Marquez Rutt
Redwood City

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