Shoplifting should bring appropriate punishment: Letter to the editor

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Re: “Criminal justice reform under attack” (Page A6, June 20).

A letter writer claims criminal justice reform is under attack, suggests more money for schools and the homeless, and claims that making shoplifting a felony doesn’t help anyone.

Well, the state pays more than $17,000 per student and spends over $3 billion for the homeless, both with poor results. So, I don’t think funds are the issue.

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Putting people in jail for shoplifting would help owners of stores, and could help keep prices lower and keep more stores open. And the person stealing might decide to change their direction in life. In the old days, a first offense was a misdemeanor, but a second offense could be charged as a felony. Seems fair. Shouldn’t people be held responsible for their actions? After a first conviction, shouldn’t they be on notice not to repeat the offense?

Currently, there is nothing to prevent someone from being a repeat offender and insanity prevails.

Douglas Abbott
Union City

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