Better ways to save water than fake turf: Letter to the editor

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Re: “Keep artificial turf off county property” (Page A6, June 14).

Thank you, Meghna Varma, for articulating the downside of artificial turf. I would add that young athletes and athletes in general suffer from knee, ankle and hip injuries from the pounding endured during an athletic event on artificial turf.

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Artificial turf is not the answer to drought conditions. Taking shorter showers, using the express cycle available on dish and clothes washers, planting California natives, rinsing dishes with gray water and collecting shower or faucet water in a bucket while waiting for it to warm up save lots of water that can be used to flush the toilet.

Better yet, invest in a recirculation pump for the hot water heater. It has a timer that allows water to be hot for a specific period of time versus all day. It saves on energy and water.

Barbara Coats
San Jose

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