Letters: Future Fourths | Firmer hand | Paying for roads | Democrats’ chaos | Unite for Biden | Favoring Trump

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Future Fourths should
all make use of drones

Re: “Drones enjoy spotlight as fireworks concern grows” (Page A1, July 4).

I was so glad to read that several Bay Area cities took the lead on providing great entertainment that is spectacular, respectful of animals (and anyone with PTSD), and much easier on our environment.

It’s absolutely the direction all cities should be going in. Thank you to “]Sunnyvale, San Pablo, Napa, Pinole and the Alameda County Fair for your forward thinking and your commitment to keeping the Fourth of July a fun and safe holiday for all. We salute you.

Tina Morrill
San Jose

Newsom must take
firm hand in heat wave

I want to graciously extend an invitation to Gov. Gavin Newsom to spend the next week sleeping in his backyard (or the car in his driveway). California is in the midst of “extreme, historic and deadly heat,” to quote the Washington Post.

Newsom has left the option of emergency heat shelters up to the counties, and I will tell you that is a mistake. I would prefer to live in a state where a governor takes personal responsibility for this weather crisis by declaring a state of emergency. This would ideally include shelters, hotel vouchers or Airbnb credits for unhoused individuals.

It isn’t every day that you personally hold someone’s life in your very hands. And Newsom does right now, by choosing either to act or to do nothing. I hope he does something, anything, and for those of us who matter to so few.

Lyndi Duckworth

Democrats’ chaos
benefits only GOP

Attempting to snatch defeat from the jaws of likely victory, Democrats don’t see that a broken play, at this stage, helps Republicans. “If your opponent wants to commit suicide, don’t stop him.” They’ll stand quietly by, watching the Democrats destroy themselves.

Half a dozen Democratic governors and senators, thinking “Now’s my chance!” are itching to step up and convince us a) that Trump can’t be allowed to win (which everyone already knows) and b) that they (each one of them) are the only one who can do it.

Suppose your man wins the nomination. Those supporting the other five are browned off, many of them will protest by sitting out the general, and Trump waltzes back to Washington. Just brilliant.

Like most ambushes, it looks like a golden opportunity, sort of like Custer, anxious to start an unplanned charge into the waiting, well-organized Sioux warriors.

Edgar Ross
Scotts Valley

Time for Democrats
to unite for Biden

How dreadful for the Democrats to behave this way. Their chaotic behavior is giving the election to Donald Trump.

They should be uniting in support of President Biden to help themselves win the election.

I ask you: If you were in Biden’s place during the debate and heard all Trump’s lies, might not your jaw also drop in disbelief?

Laura Sternberg
San Jose

Circumstances point
to dreadful Trump win

Re: “Sizeable immunity awarded to Trump” (Page A1, July 2).

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The recent Supreme Court immunity ruling forces contemplation. Donald Trump’s support from his vassal Republican Party, his faithful 40+% of voting citizenry, and Joe Biden’s deer-in-headlights debate performance, raise the specter of Trump’s enthronement in January 2025.

He said he would bring peace to Ukraine (possibly letting Russians keep captured territories), remove all undocumented immigrants from the United States (mass deportation), let “Drill Baby Drill” rise again, and because climate warming is a hoax, extend his tax cuts for big business (possibly adding more). Will he use the DOJ against his enemies or pardon himself?

Trump’s Court’s overturning of the Administrative Procedure Act’s Chevron decision returns administrative law interpretations back to the courts. Presumed immunity almost guarantees that court cases against Trump will not continue before the election.

David Eisbach
San Jose

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