Letters: Unattainable dream | Opponents unite | Out of touch | Organ harvesting | Project 2025 | Netanyahu’s war

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American dream is
unattainable for most

Re: “Wealthy buyers dominate market” (Page A1, July 30).

If, as suggested in your article, “only the wealthiest” in the Bay Area can buy a home, what exactly does that mean?

Left unsaid is the unfortunate truth: Regular people with regular jobs cannot afford to buy a home in the Bay Area. Your article notes that a person buying a house today at the median price would have a mortgage of $7,287. According to standard home-buying metrics, that person should have a monthly income of about $25,000. Most I know are closer to making $25,000 a year than $25,000 a month.

Is it now acceptable that the American dream is unattainable — if only by the vast majority?

Philip Rapier

Political opponents
must find way to unite

No matter who wins in November, the future of this nation depends on Americans respecting each other and working together, despite our differences. The challenge today is that our differences are greater than ever in our most basic beliefs about the nature of humanity, the universe and God; and, because of this, on most issues.

But for freedom and democracy to survive we must not succumb to the temptation to hate those on the other side from us on the issues and to want our side to have complete domination. History shows that single-party domination always leads to corruption and oppression.

Braver Angels is a civic organization that for the past 20 years has been successfully bringing Democrats, Republicans and Independents together for constructive engagement and cooperation. If you want to be part of the solution to our polarization rather than part of the problem, check it out.

Christopher Andrus

Trump comments on
Harris’ race out of touch

Re: “Trump suggests VP Harris misled voters about her race” (Page A3, Aug. 1).

Donald Trump is sounding more and more like the crazy uncle who says ridiculous things after drinking too much.

Of course, he has a history of making outrageous statements and making false statement. It is surely time to take away his car keys.

Ed Green

Support bills to stop
organ harvesting

On June 25, the U.S. House unanimously passed HR 4132, the Falun Gong Protection Act. This bill marks the first U.S. legislative initiative to combat the forced organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Falun Gong is a traditional Chinese practice grounded in the principles of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance. In 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began a brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, which later escalated to the forcible removal of their organs for profit.

Members of Congress, including Rep. Mark DeSaulnier, deserve gratitude for unanimously passing HR 4132. We urge Sens. Laphonza Butler and Alex Padilla of California to co-sponsor the Senate companion bill (S. 4914). This legislation aims to help end forced organ harvesting in China and prevent American medical centers and patients, including those in the East Bay, from becoming unwitting accomplices to these crimes.

Jinchi Lu
Walnut Creek

Project 2025 should
guide your vote

Every citizen must read the contents of Project 2025 before voting in November.

The Republican vice presidential candidate, JD Vance, wrote the foreword to a new book by Project 2025 leader Kevin Roberts. Vance states, “We are going to circle the wagons and load the muskets.” This is the MAGA-nominated vice presidential candidate speaking. I want to know who he plans on shooting with his muskets, don’t you?

Please read the entire Project 2025, or visit Hungary to live the life Project 2025 outlines for you. Then go vote.

Robert Celeste

Netanyahu’s war is
real act of terrorism


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There is a second holocaust going on in Gaza. Tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians have been slaughtered, mostly children and women. Their entire homeland has been obliterated, including homes, schools, hospitals, places of worship, cultural monuments, treatment plants, water and waste infrastructure and arable land. All this has happened with U.S.-supplied weapons. The entire surviving population of millions has been rendered refugees with no place to go. Starvation and disease are rampant. United Nations orders for a cease-fire have been ignored.

Meanwhile, Benjamin Netanyahu lectures us about the triumph of civilized vs. uncivilized people. He is committing this genocide. He is the terrorist.

Jon Harwayne
Walnut Creek

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