Letters: West Nile virus | Broken oath | Arlington photo-op | Respecting difference | Protecting women

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Do your part to stop
West Nile virus spread

Re: “Santa Clara County to spray pesticide following discovery of more West Nile-positive mosquitos” (Aug. 21).

We have read about Dr. Fauci getting infected with West Nile virus after a mosquito bite in his backyard. West Nile virus is a dangerous mosquito-borne disease. Mosquitoes need standing water to complete their life cycle. We should eliminate sources of water where mosquitoes can breed in our backyards or public places like parks.

Here are the guidelines from the Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District to reduce the risk of contracting mosquito-borne diseases:

• Dump or drain standing water on your property to decrease the opportunity for mosquitoes to breed.

• Dawn and dusk are when mosquito activity peaks; limit outdoor activities during this time.

• Defend yourself from mosquito bites by wearing long pants and long-sleeved shirts and apply insect repellent containing EPA-registered active ingredients such as DEET, Picaridin, IR3535, or oil of lemon eucalyptus.

• Doors and window screens should be in good condition with no tears or holes.

Subru Bhat
Trustee, Alameda Mosquito Control Abatement District
Union City

Oath broken, Trump is
unfit to serve again

I was raised a Republican. I voted for Ronald Reagan.

On Jan. 20, 2017, Donald Trump swore an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” On Jan. 6, 2021, Trump betrayed and broke that oath by trying to stop the certification of the 2020 presidential election, an election that was not “stolen” and was clearly won by Joe Biden.

Donald Trump is not fit to hold the office of the president, because he has already betrayed his oath to the U.S. Constitution and to all of the American people.

Chris Pedretti
Walnut Creek

Trump’s Arlington visit
no more than photo-op

Donald Trump has a history of disrespect for our military. Trump’s former chief of staff, retired Marine General John Kelly, confirmed that Trump refused to visit an American cemetery in France because it was full of “losers.” Trump also referred to WWI Marine dead as “suckers,” according to reports confirmed by Kelly.

So what does it mean when Trump lays a wreath in Arlington cemetery at the tombs of U.S. soldiers killed during the evacuation of Afghanistan? Not sincerity. Instead, he wants a photo-op to criticize Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. Remember that Trump negotiated a deal with the Taliban for a U.S. pullout from Afghanistan, and Biden felt obligated to honor the commitment of his predecessor.

But in the perceptive words of one Taliban commander during our guerrilla war in Iraq and Afghanistan: “You have the watches. We have the time.” Afghanistan fell to the Taliban quickly thereafter.

Bob Benson

Elect a president who
respects difference

Re: Cartoon by Jeff Koterba (Page A6, Aug. 27).

Jeff Koterba’s cartoon about his Tourette’s syndrome and his painful examples of bullying brought tears to my eyes.

It needs to be said that Donald Trump has not shown himself to be kind to people who are different. He mocks others repeatedly. He denigrates their appearances and refers to them by childish nicknames, acts that reflect an endorsement of cruelty as a legitimate tool for winning a campaign. The ugly remarks made about Tim Walz’s son after the Democratic convention suggest that some people might view Trump’s behavior as consent to be publicly rude.

It is not enough to consider Trump’s policy issues when we vote. It’s also important to remember what kind of people we want to be as Americans, that we must strive to be more accepting of those who present different ways to be human. Our leaders should be role models who guide us in that direction.

Teri Shikany

Trump isn’t the pick
to protect women

Donald Trump and Republicans are quick to criticize Kamala Harris for not interviewing with the press. But Trump isn’t any better.

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He does the interviews, he just never answers any of the questions. What’s worse, Trump lies to the press, saying, for instance, that he’s very proud he installed the three Supreme Court justices who overruled Roe v. Wade and more recently that, if elected, he’ll be “great for women and their reproductive rights,” a typically vague and therefore meaningless promise. There’s no reason for anyone — supporter or detractor — to believe him on anything.

Democrats and independents have special reasons for distrust, because historically whenever he suggests he’s moderating any of his positions, he immediately goes the other way when his base reacts. Women beware — trust his actions, not his words.

Jay Chafetz
Walnut Creek

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