Letters: Old complaints | Fremont mayor | Lafayette Council | Trump’s desperation | Petty candidate

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Complaints about young
is domain of the elderly

Re: “Today’s university students are too soft” (Page A6, Aug. 28).

Recently, one writer railed that the youngest generation has gone soft.

This has been a perpetual complaint of the elderly: As Horace said circa 20 BC, “Our sires’ age was worse than our grandsires’. We, their sons, are more worthless than they.” For over 2,000 years, we have never lacked for curmudgeons.

The writer used the Donner Party as a foil as if such a trial was a reasonable common experience. (By what standard is this metric real, anyway?)

How about a more reasonable comparison? Say, service in the U.S. Marine Corps. Oops. In recent years, the Corps has had more “softy” volunteers than their quota. And how about all those “selfish” Peace Corps volunteers? Sorry. Since 1960, over 240,000 people have served. Applicants always exceed the slots.

Bottom line: If you’re looking for sclerotic values, look beyond the ranks of the youth.

W. Michael Youngblood

Salwan has the vision
for mayor of Fremont

Fremont’s mayoral contest features contrast. City Councilmember Raj Salwan emphasizes economic development, public safety, education and fiscal responsibility. He supports nonprofits, attends community events and collaborates with others to resolve issues.

Salwan’s comprehensive experience, vision and strong community engagement make him the best choice to lead Fremont. His proven leadership and dedication to being a mayor for all community members are exactly what we need. I urge residents to vote for the candidate with the best track record of service and a positive vision for Fremont: Raj Salwan.

Lisa Stambaugh

Vote for Carl Anduri
for Lafayette council.

We have a lot of decisions to make this November. One sure and secure candidate we can all get behind is Carl Anduri. Please vote for Carl so he can continue his great work in preserving, while enhancing, our beautiful city of Lafayette. He has shown his dedication to our city during his tenure on the City Council, and if reelected, we will continue to be the benefactors of his hard work.

I’ve known Carl for years and served as a Planning Commissioner when he served on the council. He is intelligent, impartial, and willing to listen to and address the concerns of the community. Carl has served on numerous of our city’s task forces, committees, the Planning Commission and several terms on the City Council. He truly understands how our city works, allowing him to be effective and responsive to our needs and desires.

Patricia Curtin

Desperate Trump pales
compared to Harris

Re: “Trump tries to tie Harris to the Afghanistan withdrawal” (Page A3, Aug. 27).

What do you call a former president who enters Arlington National Cemetery for an unlawful photo op, laying wreaths on troops’ graves, in order to score points against his opponent? I call it weird.

Donald Trump recently posted on social media that his administration will be great for women’s reproductive rights, despite boasting about overturning the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. That’s even weirder. The conservative media should quit normalizing the wild behavior of this desperate candidate.

Vice President Harris is the joyful warrior we need now in the battle to come. Let’s roll up our sleeves, get to work, and elect her and all Democrats in November.

Steve Christianson

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Petty candidate is wrong
choice to lead military

Please remember that in 2019 on a visit to the Yokosuka, Japan, U.S. Navy Base, then-President Donald Trump ordered that the USS John McCain be obscured so that he didn’t have to see it while on his visit.

Trump denied it, but email records prove differently. This man is not fit to be the commander in chief.

William Donovan

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