Letters: Homeowners’ role | Double down | Disingenuous Rubio | Wake-up call | Wrong solution | Noem criticism

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Homeowners have role
in climate change fight

Re: “The humble radiator is getting a climate-friendly upgrade” (May 21).

I read with interest the article about a new product designed to improve radiators for heating in New York.

Concern over climate change is growing rapidly, as is the public’s interest in addressing it. There are many opportunities for new technologies that will help while at the same time providing benefits to the consumer. Entrepreneurs in the Bay Area are addressing many of these opportunities, but there’s room for more.

Even homeowners such as myself can play a role by installing climate-friendly technologies like heat pump water heaters, giving the industry the experience they need to make them the default way of heating water.

Robert Mayo
Mountain View

City should double
down on homelessness

Homelessness in our city demands urgent attention.

To combat this problem, we urge increased availability of affordable housing. Building more homes within financial reach and offering rental assistance programs are essential steps. Support services should also be expanded to aid homeless individuals in securing stable living arrangements.

Equally crucial are preventative measures. Programs that prevent homelessness by assisting with housing retention and providing job training are indispensable.

By focusing on these solutions, we can help create a San Jose that embraces compassion and inclusivity for all its residents. Let’s unite in our efforts to address homelessness and create a brighter future for our community.

Roxana Rodriguez
San Jose

Rubio is disingenuous
on election results

Sen. Marco Rubio said in an interview on “Meet the Press” that he wouldn’t accept the election results if they’re unfair.

Regarding the last presidential election, multiple state attorneys general (Democratic and Republican), multiple judges appointed by Democrats and Republicans, and all election officials for the contested swing states have gone on record declaring that the election was fair. There was zero evidence of massive fraud or a coordinated effort to rig the elections except for those working to boost the Trump results.

Senator, define “unfair.” Or do you just mean, “I disagree with the outcome”?

David Wilkins
San Jose

Official’s resignation is
wake-up call for Biden

I am writing to express deep concern over the resignation of Lily Greenberg Call, a dedicated official who resigned in protest of the Biden administration’s policies in Gaza. Greenberg Call’s resignation letter highlighted the catastrophic consequences of ongoing support for Israel’s actions, which she described as genocidal.

Her courageous stance underscores the need to reassess our foreign policy. The parallel she draws between the Nakba and the Holocaust is a powerful reminder that no group’s safety should come at the expense of another’s destruction. This internal dissent and shift in perspectives among American Jews calls for a more just and equitable approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

I urge President Biden to consider the ethical implications and strive for policies that ensure freedom and safety for all.

Jag Singh
Los Altos

Column has right title,
but wrong solution

Re: “The authoritarians have the momentum” (Page A7, May 22).

In David Brooks’ recent piece, I agree with the title but not the solution.

I don’t see that liberals are more lonely or less deep than authoritarians. Loneliness is more due to focus on self or material things, over other deeper connections.

Do authoritarians have a deeper connection to the land? I think not. Look at our history: Westerners settled here a few hundred years ago with no respect for the indigenous who had a deeper connection to the land. Ours was tight-fisted ownership of land that excluded others and decimated ecosystems. If fighting for flag and land is what liberals need to emulate, well, no thanks.

Fight instead for love and respect for the land and other species and people’s right to coexist equally (not subserviently). Yes, loyalty to family and just causes, but not blind loyalty to lying bullies.

Tom Calderwood
Los Gatos

Hypocrisy informs
criticism of Noem

Re: “Gov. Noem hits policy choices of Democrats” (Page A1, May 19).

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I’m both amused and saddened by the widespread volatile reaction to South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s admission that she shot her intractable dog after it killed a neighbor’s chickens. Growing up on a Midwest farm, I saw several animals similarly dispatched, quickly and painlessly, because they repeatedly harmed or endangered both people and animals. Then I moved to the Bay Area and got enlightened. Now, after spending a small fortune on pet whisperers, incorrigible animal behavior is corrected by “putting them to sleep.”

I now see more cruelty to animals every day than I ever saw on the farm. Pets are locked for hours in cars, forced to lie under sidewalk tables while the owners chat endlessly on a cell phone, or led mindlessly through the concrete prison aisles of Home Depot, clearly frustrated and bored.

Ruth Watson
San Jose

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