Letters: Israel’s indifference | End polarization

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Rafah ‘mistake’ shows
Israel’s indifference

Re: “Netanyahu says strike in Rafah was ‘tragic mistake’” (Page A4, May 28).

Mass casualties of Palestinian civilians by the Israeli war machine have become as commonplace as mass shootings in the United States.

If Hamas was wantonly killing international aid workers and Israelis in refugee camps with high explosive ordinance and battle tanks, there would be worldwide condemnation. Bejamin Netanyahu insists there is a distinction between international law and the dictionary definition of genocide. That is an obvious fallacy. You know it when you see it.

While Israel offers to “investigate the incident and obtain a conclusion,” it is evident they have no intention of stopping or limiting civilian casualties. The United States and Israel have abandoned morality and justice. As long as we cast a blind eye to the suffering and provide military-grade explosives, the United States is complicit and can offer little more than “thoughts and prayers” to the millions of innocent civilians caught up in this insane war.

Jerry Gudeman
Santa Clara

Union can’t survive
continued polarization

Despite still being in high school, I have witnessed the disastrous effects of political polarization.

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The widespread violence and hate that have occurred between both parties must be managed, or this country might not be a democracy available for my generation to inherit. We must combat the dehumanization of people who hold opposing political views and once again regain our national pride as a unified country.

Our country is on the verge of tearing itself and its foundations apart, as seen in the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021. If our country lacks the support of the public, then we will be unable to deal with the pressing international issues that demand humane aid.

I am asking all to stop and think about your biases, your immediate thoughts about people you don’t even know, and examine whether you really want to be defined by the unnatural hate you hold.

Connor Bone

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