Letters: Dig deeper | PG&E ads | Insurance markets

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PG&E reporting should
dig deeper on rates

Re: “New year means new PG&E rate hikes” (Page B1, Jan. 3).

Your reporting on PG&E rates has to improve. I’m not apologizing for PG&E; they certainly have plenty to answer for. But, instead of reprinting the same complaint ad nauseam, invest time in verifying PG&E’s claims about their expenditures on upgrading infrastructure and how much these alleged investments contribute to their rate increase justifications. The work they need to do strikes me as overwhelming; maybe that’s a justification for not rewarding PG&E and finding someone else to do the job.

But until that day comes we need to be more realistic about improving our infrastructure and more understanding that it needs to be paid for. Magical realist thinking — demanding improvements and refusing to pay for them — isn’t going to cut it.

Eugene Ely
San Jose

PG&E hikes rates
as TV ads run

Re: “New year means new PG&E rate hikes” (Page B1, Jan. 3).

For many months I’ve seen PG&E ads on TV at least three times every day, telling me what good guys they are.

We might agree with them more if they used the millions of dollars they spend on ads to keep our rates lower.

Diana Caughlan
San Mateo

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Home, auto insurance
markets in disarray

Re: “Auto insurance frustrates motorists” (Page B1, Jan. 2).

My home insurance renewal is coming up shortly — and the insurer (through Costco.com) stated that they are exiting the California market.

I started the quoting process and anyone left serving the California market is quoting about 50% higher.

Where is the California insurance commissioner?

Upendra Brahme

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