Butte County supervisors to talk fires, power

Estimated read time 2 min read

OROVILLE — The Butte County Board of Supervisors will have wildfire in mind at Tuesday morning’s meeting, with items on the Park Fire, prevention and recovery dotting a long agenda.

As an early piece of business, supervisors will ratify the state of emergency that Chief Administrative Officer Andy Pickett declared Thursday for the Park Fire; that needs to be done within seven days of the declaration. That will be addressed during a special meeting at 8:45 a.m. ahead of the regular meeting at 9 a.m.

The board later will hear about the ReCoverCA Homebuyer Assistance Program for residents who needed to relocate after 2018 and 2020 fires and consider changes to the Fire Prevention and Protection Ordinance in regards to abating public nuisances.

Other matters up for discussion Tuesday include:

• The county following the path of other local municipalities in joining a community choice aggregator for electricity service, Pioneer Community Energy.

• A shigella outbreak tracked by Public Health.

• A $1.4 million contract for roof and HVAC work at the Gridley Veterans Memorial Hall.

• Allowing Paradise Unified School District to sell bonds directly.

• Granting a building fee waiver to the Butte County Sheriff Mounted Posse for installation of an emergency generator.

• Closing out the Park Avenue multifamily housing project in Chico, which utilized federal funds.

• The appeals of two use permit denials — for the La Porte Road Solar and Battery Energy Storage project near Bangor and a telecommunications tower on Foothill Boulevard in Oroville.

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The board also will hold sessions for the 2024-25 budgets for the Butte Groundwater Sustainability Agency and the Thompson Flat Cemetery District. Closed session features performance reviews for unelected department heads, updates on labor negotiations and briefings on five court cases and six workers compensation claims.

The Butte County Board of Supervisors generally meets at 9 a.m. on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at its chambers located at 25 County Center Drive, Suite 205 in Oroville. Meetings are free and open to the public.


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