Letters: 49ers’ intent | International diplomacy | Source of pride | Child marriage | Shelter mandate | Going high

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City officials should
have seen 49ers’ intent

Re: “49ers are major players in area’s political landscape” (Page A1, July 29).

When living in Santa Clara, my husband and I went door-to-door with Suds Jain and others in 2010, urging a no vote on Measure J. At the same time, City Councilwoman Lisa Gillmor was helping the 49ers get their stadium. She should have seen the power of the 49ers’ influence then.

Suds knows our campaign finance system is broken. Indeed, he’s a victim of the 49ers’ campaign spending. The 49ers’s money spent on ads supporting Suds was an independent expenditure that Suds didn’t solicit or know about in advance. Suds was taken aback when ads appeared on TV. He has gotten no money from the Yorks or the 49ers and has had no say in how they spend money. He could see through Measure J in 2010; too bad Lisa Gillmor couldn’t.

I’ve observed Suds’ dedication to Santa Clara and our broader community. He is the most honorable and civic-minded person I know.

Anna Koster
San Jose

Trump lacks ability for
international diplomacy

Re: “Biggest prisoner swap complete” (Page A1, Aug. 2).

What the Biden-Harris administration just did in a prisoner exchange Donald Trump could not do.

Biden-Harris got the cooperation of many European nations in a credible effort of diplomacy. Trump’s intent to weaken NATO and not defend NATO nations who have not paid into NATO alienates and undermines all of Europe. This is where Joe Biden’s experience surely was an asset and critical to the exchange. Trump would further alienate our allies.

The difference between the two leaders is plain to see and supports how important it is that we give careful consideration to who we select in November.

Mark Grzan
Morgan Hill

Netanyahu’s speech
is a source of pride

Re: “Congress embraces Israel’s brutal war“ (Page A6, July 30).

After listening to the opening of Benjamin Netanyahu’s address, Larry Dorshkind bases disgust on erroneous speculation about what was subsequently said.

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The speech recounted examples of valiant and successful IDF efforts to minimize loss of life. After warnings, civilians are being shifted because Hamas moves in as soon as people return to safe zones as recently in Rafeh. With tons of food being imported, people are hungry because Hamas is stealing it.

Israel deplores loss of life while Hamas relishes each death as a propaganda victory. The ICC prosecution is biased ideology, ignoring the responsibility of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran. Netanyahu expressed dubious optimism of Hamas accepting a long-standing peace proposal that is in accord with U.S. guidelines.

Dorshkind and pro-Palestinian protesters are entitled to their disgust, but Jews and like-minded freedom lovers can take great pride in the Zionist state.

Fred Gutmann


Child marriage robs
women of independence

Re: “How young is too young?” (Page A1, July 28).

The weaker position of the young woman who is deprived of a full education, thus of a competitive career and economic independence, demands later marriage.

Raymond R. White
Mountain View

State shelter mandate
could draw homeless

Re: “Mayor pushes to create shelter mandates” (Page A1, Aug. 2).

Mayor Mahan and Gov. Newsom are on the right track regarding California’s homeless population — uprooting homeless people without providing alternatives for shelter will not work.

So let’s say, miracle of miracles, California develops a viable solution: What’s to stop other states from busing their homeless people here?

Steve Hubbell
Mountain View

Harris, Dems should not
stoop to Trump’s level

I’m hoping Vice President Kamala Harris and her campaign folks have more to say about Donald Trump and his supporters than just calling them “weird.” It reminds me too much of candidate Hillary Clinton throwing around the word “deplorables” — and we all remember how that campaign turned out.

I want a higher campaign standard set. Don’t get into third-grade name-calling like Trump. Stick to the issues … and show footage of Ron DeSantis, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Nikki Haley calling Trump out as a dictator, sexist, racist and vulgar convicted felon. These are all major truths and his own “supporters” said them.

Michelle Obama said, “When they go low, we go high.” Let’s stick with that.

Lynda Martinez
San Jose

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