Letters: Narrow view | Clean cities | Trump’s deceit | Biden’s politicking | Denouncing reform

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Taking a narrow view
of diversity, inclusion

Re: “Chick-fil-A plans divide a city” (Page A1, Aug. 4).

The Citrus Marketplace Shopping Center in Walnut Creek needs some new businesses. It’s a great location and has some wonderful businesses, but it needs more.

I was looking forward to Chick-fil-A coming into the center, occupying a currently vacant storefront. I think it’s important to support local businesses and am appalled by the response given by Jessica Hunt, who is a small business owner herself but is against this new business. She states that Chick-fil-A “is not reflective of our community’s inclusive and diverse values.”

I guess being “inclusive and diverse” only applies if it aligns with your views. Isn’t that the exact opposite of the definition of inclusion and diversity?

Linda Thompson
Walnut Creek

All should commit to
keeping cities clean

Re: “Livermore man’s volunteer spirit picks up followers” (Page A1, Aug. 5).

It’s inspiring to read your article about Andy Wang’s effort to take on illegal dumping and littering in Oakland. Never underestimate the power of individuals to make a difference in their communities.

In El Sobrante, volunteers can join Green Team 94803’s regular Third Saturday Cleanups at the library to keep our neighborhoods clean and beautiful. We love our community and don’t want to live in a trashy area. Once we realized that no government entity was going to pick up the litter for us, we all made the commitment to do it ourselves.

We encourage other areas to do it, too. We do need the government to step up enforcement and place cameras around to deter dumpers, along with a PR campaign to remind people that littering makes our towns and neighborhoods dirty and harms the environment. It would be great to raise public consciousness by bringing back the old campaign: “Don’t be a litterbug!”

Mikki Norris
El Sobrante

Killing immigration bill
shows Trump’s deceit

During the National Association of Black Journalists’ interview of Donald Trump, the candidate’s accusations against immigrants became wilder, weirder and more exaggerated. We could see him making up more and more ominous lies as his hands played an invisible accordion. The fact that crime statistics for immigrants are far lower than for the general population didn’t retard his firehose of lies.

But one fact should be repeated, over and over, until the public fully realizes how cynical and destructive Trump’s mendacity is. A bipartisan bill to allocate more resources to our borders — for both enforcement and for more judges to determine whose claims for asylum are valid — had passed the Senate and was scheduled to pass the House of Representatives. Then Trump told his Republicans to kill the bill because he didn’t want the problem solved while Joe Biden was president.

Bruce Joffe

Biden’s court talk is
election year politicking

Re: “Biden drags the high court into politics before election” (Page A9, Aug. 4).

In regard to Nolan Finley’s opinion piece, I’d just add this:

President Biden recently recommended that the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court have their times in office limited. These sound like odd words when coming from the lips of a man who was in the U.S. Senate for 36 years, during which time he never suggested that senators have their time in office be limited.

Rules for thee but not for me? Or perhaps it’s just more election-year politicking.

Daniel Mauthe

Readers deserve more
than denouncing reform

Re: “Biden drags the high court into politics before election” (Page A9, Aug. 4).

Nolan Finley’s op-ed was an insult to our intelligence.

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The Republican wing of the court has ruled that the founders intended that corporations are people (corporations did not exist at the time); that the 14th Amendment does not apply to Donald Trump’s insurrection; that Republican-led racial and partisan purges of voter rolls are okay; that Trump has more power than a king but President Biden can’t even update administrative rules, etc. It has taken away women’s rights and environmental protections, and it has shredded the Constitution to suit its dangerous, partisan agenda.

These unelected extremists seized power as a result of Republican Mitch McConnell’s manipulation and rewriting of Senate rules to steal two Supreme Court openings that should have been filled by Democratic presidents and hand them to Trump. Their financial, legal and personal corruption is unprecedented.

So Finley denounces President Biden for trying to reform it? Your readers deserve better.

Chris Conrad
El Sobrante

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