Letters: Commander-in-chief | Criticism to strength | Reintroduce reason | Attacking Gus | Israel support | Global status

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Trump is proven poor

An American president’s main duty — some say their only duty — is to protect the nation. Donald Trump has totally disqualified himself from ever being commander-in-chief.

He has displayed open contempt for current service personnel, veterans and their families; reduced veterans’ aid; debased and ignored intelligence services; has an affinity for enemies; weakened alliances; and vowed to use the military to suppress dissent at home and to round up immigrants for deportation. Military personnel swear an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, not trample it.

Put country ahead of partisan politics.

William Briggs
Morgan Hill

Harris could turn
criticism to strength

Many people agree that Kamala Harris has an uphill battle against Donald Trump. There is less time for her to communicate her agenda. She promised an opportunity economy where everyone has an opportunity to compete and a chance to succeed. She has reclaimed the freedom mantle away from the GOP. Harris has promised to restore abortion rights and tackle gun violence, pollution and climate change.

Two areas where she may be vulnerable are immigration and inflation. She mentioned that after the bipartisan bill on curtailing border crossings was ready, Trump asked GOP senators to reject it. Already, with the current policy of shutting down asylum acceptance, the border crossings have gone even lower than when Trump was in office.

Since the last presidential election, food prices have gone up 26%. This is an area where her promise of investigating price gouging can be used. This is not price control.

Mohan Raj
San Jose

GOP and independents
can reintroduce reason

Democratic nominee Kamala Harris is reaching out to voters in the middle who are not necessarily registered with her party.

Maybe now is the time for reasonable, responsible Republicans and independents to join together and put forward their goals and program proposals and see if they can join in common cause with mainstream Democrats.

Known conservatives, such as Condoleezza Rice and David Brooks, could serve as the starting point for such a coalition. This might have the further benefit of bolstering support for Republican candidates who are in swing districts. The next Congress, convening in 2025, will need more centrists than we have had in recent years.

We must do whatever is needed to bring reason and agreement back into our political process.

John Cormode
Mountain View

Attacks on Gus Walz
hurt entire community

Last Wednesday, Gov. Tim Walz accepted the Democratic nomination to be the next vice president. His family’s response was prominently featured, particularly his son Gus’ outpouring of love and pride for his father. Through tears while mouthing “that’s my dad,” Gus showed us all what family love looks like.

Unfortunately, in our full-contact political world, some felt it necessary to criticize the beauty of a display we don’t see often, especially related to our political world. His parents understanding this could happen gave an interview in People magazine explaining their son’s conditions.

Without this knowledge, I would still be writing this admonishing anyone attacking Gus. With this information, as a behavioral health professional, I would ask everyone in our community to understand what these attacks amount to: an attack on our own families and the decency and goodness of our special-‘power’ kids’ display of love. Go, Gus.

David Mineta
San Jose

Harris must reconsider
support for Israel

Vice President Harris recently advised Americans to do something when they encounter injustice. In that spirit, I want to draw attention to the ongoing attacks by IDF forces in Gaza and settler violence in the West Bank. These acts of slaughter and starvation against innocent Palestinians are being carried out with weapons funded by billions of our tax dollars.

I urge Harris to reconsider her pledge of unconditional support for Israel, which is responsible for these horrific killings and the suffering that makes life a living hell for Palestinians. Republicans are already accusing the administration of monumental hypocrisy, and such accusations will be impossible to defend if this anti-humanitarian policy continues.

Jag Singh
Los Altos

U.S. must change view
of ourselves in world

After all the fluff and fizz of the DNC convention evaporates, our unwillingness to confront history’s latest genocide remains. What do we do amidst all that giddy self-delusion?

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We need to concentrate our efforts on showing the obsolete and unworkable nature of that constant refrain, “We are the prime mover and shaker of the world.” That thinking is over 30 years out of date. Our real movers and shakers, if they really love their grandkids, need to transition to our being an “indispensable nation,” not the “undisputed leader.” There is a real difference between the two. The former is reality-based while the latter is nostalgic thinking.

Just look at how our corrupt and morally bankrupt position relating to the Gaza genocide is hastening our diminished status in the eyes of the world. Our continuation of this rancid self-adulation is a Shakespearean farce. The RNC has already achieved that much.

Mike Caggiano
San Mateo

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