Dear Abby: The patio furniture could end our long friendship

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DEAR ABBY: I have known “Mona” for 25 years and thought we were friends.

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Dear Abby: My husband knows I’m triggered by clutter. Now he has started ‘collecting.’

She bought some patio furniture from me and still owes me $100. When I tried to contact her about it, she blocked me.

I wanted to post this on Facebook without saying her name, but I’m taking the high road.

We’ve never had arguments, and I don’t understand her behavior. Mona is the one always saying, “I love you” and “I’m praying for you,” and then she pulls this?

She has lied to me in the past, but I never called her on it because it didn’t matter to me.

What are your thoughts?


DEAR TURNING POINT: When you first realized that Mona was lying to you, you SHOULD have called her on it and revised your opinion of her. Mona appears to be not only a hypocrite but also a user.

Be glad the lesson you have learned has cost you only $100 because it could have cost you more.

As to my thoughts, I think you should stay far away from Mona and find friends who understand that friendship is reciprocal.

DEAR ABBY: My son-in-law and I had words five years ago.

Two years ago, I wrote him a letter of apology and told him it was always “family first.” My daughter confirmed he received the letter.

They recently had their fourth child. We haven’t seen their first since he was 2 or the second since she was born, and we’ve seen the third only once.

I don’t know how to repair this situation.

My daughter and I chat only when her husband is not around. She’s a police officer, and I don’t want to cause her any stress that could affect her on the job. He has blocked me on social media as well as my phone calls.

What can I do?


DEAR SORRY: That must have been some argument you had with your son-in-law. What took you three years to apologize?

If he no longer wants anything to do with you, no one can force him, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to see the children when he’s not around. If you haven’t already suggested this to your daughter, give it a try.

DEAR ABBY: I am a 37-year-old woman with a very supportive husband. I love him dearly, but I have some concerns.

We have no children although we tried for years. Then I found out I have polycystic ovary syndrome. I can still have a child, but now, because of my age, a bad back and a bad knee, I have kind of given up.

My husband and I are overweight, though I am trying to lose weight. It’s hard. I also suffer from depression.

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Am I doing the right thing by giving up and putting myself first?


DEAR STRUGGLING: It is important to put yourself first.

Before deciding whether to bring a child into this world, you need to get yourself back in shape physically and emotionally. Once that’s done, you will be in a better position to decide whether you are equal to the responsibilities of motherhood.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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