Letters: Garvey’s popularity | Measures A and B

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In GOP, of course
Garvey is popular

Re: “Garvey popular despite cash lag” (Page A1, Feb. 2).

The sad fact that Steve Garvey is actually “popular” further illustrates the absolute depravity of the GOP and its disparity with the Democrats.

Even though the moderators of the Jan. 22 debate successfully conducted an actual debate (as opposed to the pre-Iowa caucuses’ “clown-show” Republican versions), Garvey’s pathetic performance was more akin to a Mr. Rogers caricature than someone with knowledge and insight fundamental to being a serious senatorial candidate.

But, with the current Republican denial of facts and tethered affiliation to MAGA (as Garvey stated he is), why should any rational political thinker be at all surprised?

John Ebert
San Ramon

Voters should say yes
to Measures A and B

Alameda County voters should vote yes on Measures A and B to modernize our county’s processes.

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Measure A speeds up the county hiring process, reducing the number of days required for notification of civil service exams from 25 to 14 days. This brings Alameda County in line with the rest of the Bay Area, which requires 5-14 days.

Measure B replaces the outdated process for county-level recall elections with the standard state law used by most counties. The existing county process for recalls hasn’t changed since 1926 and has unconstitutional requirements, timelines that don’t work with vote-by-mail and other outdated practices.

Alfred Twu

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