Letters: Wasteful recall | Place to grow | Ending landlines

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Stop the wasteful
recall of DA Price

Re: “Hedge fund partner accounts for third of the contributions aimed at DA Price” (Page A1, Feb. 3).

What’s the rush to remove District Attorney Pamela Price from office? Why should we spend millions of dollars on a recall election during a presidential election year?

If voters are dissatisfied with her record as district attorney, they can wait for her reelection and then support her opponent. Contrary to her detractors’ statements, the district attorney for all of Alameda County has little effect on the crime rate of individual cities. Save the money that isn’t being used to run a recall and use it for Alameda County citizens.

Recalls are wasteful and undemocratic, and there is no guarantee of success. Rather than allowing wealthy, disgruntled Republicans to subvert our elections, we should stop wasting taxpayers’ money and let DA Price carry out her mandate.

Sandy White

Libraries give our
kids a place to grow

Last November my son was laid off. With his wife in school full time they decided to take their two-year-old son out of preschool to make ends meet.

Between job searches, my son and our grandson began exploring local library programs to keep up with his son’s learning and socialization. They visited Martinez, Concord, Pleasant Hill and Crockett libraries, all sites having free programs for preschoolers and their families. Programs included story time, movement to music, theater, puppet shows, arts and crafts, and even live animal presentations. The programs are multicultural and community-minded. My grandson likes to finish his visits by choosing a few books ensuring a return visit.

Thankfully my son is back to work. My wife continues to take our grandson for his library visits, so thanks to the local library staff for their enthusiastic contribution to the development of our community’s youngest members.

Frank Jones

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Ending landlines is
elderly discrimination

Re: “AT&T looks to pull plug” (Page A1, Feb. 8).

Please help us keep our landlines. It is imperative, especially for seniors who do not use cell phones.

We depend upon landlines for emergency services. Also, our security system relies on them.

It is discriminatory to force seniors to abandon their landlines.

Janet Epstein

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