Letters: Best choice | Simitian’s record | Defend democracy | Landline service

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Nguyen is the best
choice for supervisor

Madison Nguyen is our best choice for county supervisor.

I appreciate that Nguyen is straightforward and she listens. More important, she is willing to listen to all sides, even to people who disagree with her (as we saw during her terms on the San Jose City Council). Nguyen is not beholden to powerful special interests, and I appreciate that because I believe our elected officials should represent all community members. I believe she will hold herself and others accountable, which is sorely needed at this time.

Please join me in voting for Nguyen for county supervisor in District 2.

Tina Morrill
San Jose

Simitian’s record
sets him apart

Addressing climate change is a top priority, and electing Joe Simitian to Congress is critical. Endorsed by the Sierra Club, Joe was named an “Environmental Hero.”

A genuine leader, Joe looks ahead, devising ways to solve problems and ensure a clean future for generations: combating climate change, ensuring clean air, and protecting coastal land, our oceans and Delta water.

As a California senator, Joe passed legislation requiring 33% of electricity generation to come from renewable sources, the toughest standard in the nation.

He wrote landmark legislation ensuring California a safe water supply, banned cruise ship dumping off the California coast, and closed a polluting cement plant and quarry here at home.

In Congress, Joe will work to replace fossil fuels with clean alternatives, and advance investment in clean technologies.

No other candidate has his environmental agenda or record of accomplishment to back it up. Join me in supporting Joe Simitian for Congress.

Maria Ristow
Los Gatos

Porter, Simitian set
to defend democracy

Our democracy is in danger. Extremists are using the authoritarian playbook to weaken our institutions, threaten others with violence and suppress the vote to advance their nefarious aims.

That they are in the ascendant is because Washington has become captive to corporations and billionaires. Average people have no voice in policy and so give up on voting since things never seem to change.

We here in California have a chance to elect representatives who care about real people and refuse to take money from big business or oligarchs.

Katie Porter has fought to defend the well-being of the little guy against rapacious banks and drug companies.

Joe Simitian has spent an entire career fighting for our right to privacy from rapacious tech companies and stood up for the people against an arrogant Stanford.

Please vote for these brave champions of a people-centered democracy.

Ed Taub
Mountain View

AT&T shouldn’t cut
landline service

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Re: “AT&T looks to pull the plug” (Page A1, Feb. 8).

The recent blackouts had me pull out my two Princess Phones, one for work and one for home. The lighted keys are reassuring during a blackout.

At work, I used the phone to contact customers to notify them. I have VOIP at work but kept a copper line for this very reason. My cell service was 1 bar at home and work, deplorable service. Texting was flaky as well.

I oppose AT&T canceling its landline service.

Alan Taikeff
San Jose

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