Letters: Elect Ahrens | Cut off aid

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Ahrens’ accomplishments
set stage for Assembly

Re: “Elect Ahrens for Evan Low’s Assembly seat” (Page A8, Jan. 28).

Patrick Ahrens’ accomplishments, experience, education and collaborative work style demonstrate that he’s the best and most qualified candidate for Assembly District 26.

As an elected member of the Foothill-De Anza Community College District board, Ahrens secured funding for an affordable education, including housing, to people who need it most. It’s a smart investment that pays off for everyone. On the environment, his award-winning sustainability initiatives at De Anza College should be replicated. In his job experience as district director for Assemblymember Evan Low, he provided outstanding services for small-business owners and constituents like me, and for that I am grateful. Finally, as the only candidate with a master’s degree in public administration, he’s equipped to make wise use of our tax dollars.

Now is the time for Ahrens to be elected as our Assembly member and expand upon the work he has done for the citizens of California.

Rhoda Fry

Biden must cut off
aid to Israel’s violence

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Israel is defying U.S. and worldwide demands for safeguarding local Gaza civilians as they continue their genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.

The United States must respond by suspending all financial and military help, including weapons and supplies, until Israel stops the genocide.

What a shame that Israeli leaders are ignoring the suffering and are now losing the support of their longtime backers like me because of their territorial ambitions. It’s one thing to capture and destroy terrorists like Hamas but to kill thousands of people who were asked to move to the south is unforgivable.

Urge Biden to stop all aid immediately.

Pratap Banthia
San Jose

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